Alonso Group, distinguished by its strong history as a company
Long-standing company award. Alonso Group has received recognition for its extensive business history and its consolidated evolution in these 59 years of activity. A distinction awarded by Economía 3, a magazine specialising in economics and finance with 30 years of existence. A real boost to continue working to achieve more success.
The award ceremony highlighted the Alonso Group’s commitment to diversification – with leading companies in the three main fields in which it operates: Logistics; Energy and Infrastructures; Leisure and Services – and its internationalisation process. Alonso Group is currently present in 187 locations around the world, which allows it to be present in the main centres of production and consumer goods.
Jorge Alonso, Alonso Group’s president and CEO, accepted the award on behalf of the 2.483 professionals who make up the holding company and emphasised that “we believe that the good is always yet to come and that everything is yet to be done. We continue to look for changes. Our comfort zone is outside the comfort zone. It is the commitment to growth and leadership for our three main business areas”.
The event, marked by health restrictions, served as a meeting point for the different sectors of the Valencian economic and social to converge in the same space in search of synergies and common issues.
2022, 60 years of leadership
Next year marks the 60th anniversary of the birth of the Alonso holding company. A milestone that can only be explained by collective effort. Alonso Group’s history began in the sixties of the last century when they started with the logistics activity, through the transport of wood logs, in the port of Valencia. The leap to the present day has been, qualitatively and quantitatively, significant. In fact, the business group has become a multi-sector holding company of reference in the national and international market.
Sustainable and economic growth, the highest aspiration
Alonso Group, aware that the future of the planet requires the development of environmentally-friendly policies,has been working for years to decarbonise its activities in favour of sustainability. The latest initiative in which Alonso Group has wanted to take part in environmental matters has been its adhesion to the H2VLC-València Green Hydrogen Valley Programme which, together with the main Valencian public institutions, promotes this element in the field of transport. An exercise in responsibility for an international company that is committed to a new paradigm under the premise of a green future and an environmentally and economically sustainable economy.