Alonso Group, solidarity at national, local and international level at Christmas time

The eruption of the volcano on La Palma, which began its activity on 19 September and could be declared extinct in the next few days, has left a total of 2,988 buildings destroyed and hundreds of victims across the island. Alonso Group, aware that many people have lost everything (home, land, jobs…), wanted to be close to those affected by the earthquake through its support to the NGO Mensajeros de la Paz, which continues to help tirelessly in the area.
Specifically, the humanitarian organisation managed by Padre Ángel has committed itself to acquiring the necessary equipment for 150 homes for relocated families. At the same time, Mensajeros de la Paz is developing recreational and social programmes with children through Christmas leisure activities where toys and gifts are given to them. For the elderly people, Mensajeros de Paz is carrying out social, cultural and recreational activities, as well as activities of social life and gerontogymnastics.
Finally, the NGO is delivering direct economic aid to alleviate the basic short-term needs of people in social exclusion who, after the volcano eruption, are suffering even more from this situation. In addition to the holding company, there are Alonso Group professionals who have also joined this cause of solidarity in recent weeks through financial contributions to Mensajeros de la Paz.
However, very close to the end of 2021, this is not the only initiative that Alonso Group has wanted to join in support of those most in need. All these actions are part of the holding’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) area, which aims to help those who need it most.
Support for local projects
In addition to this project at national level, Alonso Group also wanted to provide financial support to Cáritas Valencia. Thanks to this aid, it will be possible to develop children’s and youth programmes in different centres that depend on the Catholic organisation. A total of 300 young people will benefit and will be able to enjoy the magic of Christmas.
The holding company also supported InVisibles, an NGO committed to helping people in need in Valencia, with a special focus on the homeless. The NGO provides hot meals, sandwiches and breakfasts as well as care and company. Specifically, Alonso Group‘s aid will go towards the opening of premises to be able to develop and improve the work they have been carrying out in recent years. A project of continuity characterised by the altruism.
Support for refugees from Afghanistan through UNHCR
Finally, at the international level, aid is reaching one of the countries that is suffering a tremendous exodus of refugees: Afghanistan. According to UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, almost half of its population – some 18,4 million people – need humanitarian assistance to survive. The NGO is leading a humanitarian response to this refugee and protection emergency
The needs of the community are being assessed where access is possible, delivering emergency materials, tents and economic survival aid to the most vulnerable families. Once again, Alonso Group is doing its bit, and its efforts, to try to mitigate this global social crisis.