Support for the victims of the DANA, the main destination of Alonso Group’s solidarity campaign

The Christmas 2024-2025 solidarity campaign promoted by the Alonso holding company, whose aid is currently being maintained, has been aimed at various social organisations that are very involved with the victims of the DANA. In addition, Alonso Group continues to support AGA-Ucraína, which works with the Ukrainian civilian population.
Campaña RSC 2024 - 2025
Alonso Group, committed to social and humanitarian causes

The destructive consequences of the DANA, which affected 75 municipalities in the province of Valencia on 29 October, have left behind a trail of destruction whose effects are still felt today. Flooded streets, flooded houses, vehicles swept away by the current, and millions of dollars worth of damage to infrastructures, industrial areas and crops are some of the marks left by the heavy flooding. The DANA has deeply affected thousands of families and the economic fabric of the region, which is why, since the beginning of the tragedy, Alonso Group has wanted to show its support and solidarity with the victims. Through the Red Cross, Caritas and Alonso Group’s Diverxia Foundation, aid has been distributed during the holding company’s Christmas 2024-2025 solidarity campaign, which is still ongoing.

Red Cross emergency fund for affected families and small businesses

In the aftermath of the flood, the Red Cross has launched a response plan with an estimated reach of 75.000 households and an initial duration of 36 months. The aim is to provide a comprehensive response to address urgent and medium- to long-term needs to enable affected families and communities to cope with the emergency, recover and build resilience.

Specifically, Alonso Group’s contribution to the Red Cross has been earmarked for direct aid of up to 5.000 euros in affected small businesses, as well as wallet cards so that families can make purchases of basic necessities in local establishments. A response plan that focuses its attention on those people with a greater risk of vulnerability and exclusion: households with children, women in social difficulty, people with disabilities or the elderly.

La ayuda de Cruz Roja a los afectados por la DANA en colaboración con Grupo Alonso
Red Cross, in collaboration with Alonso Group, provides support to those affected by the DANA
Cáritas, a comprehensive medium- and long-term response plan

In parallel to the response to urgent needs, Caritas has launched a short- and medium-term action plan for the care of individuals and families in the areas affected by the DANA. The organisation is aware that the impact of this catastrophe will be long term for many of them. Caritas plan estimates a comprehensive accompaniment to 20.000 people in the following lines of action: support to parish Caritas shelters, food aid or emergency housing and supplies, support to people who are unemployed, have mobility problems or are in the process of recovering their businesses and/or means of work.

The Alonso holding company’s campaign with Caritas has sought to join forces by providing additional resources to allow for the effective and complete implementation of the humanitarian organisation’s plan. 

Caritas volunteers distribute humanitarian aid to those affected by flooding in Valencia
Caritas volunteers distribute humanitarian aid to those affected by flooding in Valencia
Support for schools from the Diverxia Foundation

Committed to improving the quality of life and reinforcing communities in critical times, the Diverxia Foundation – linked to one of the companies in our Energy and Infrastructures division – has decided to intervene to repair the damage caused to schools in the affected towns. The aim is to speed up the return to normality and ensure that students can resume their studies in a safe and suitable environment.

The selection of the centres has been made considering the damage suffered in each town, the specific needs of each institution and their proximity or link with Diverxia’s workers. One of them is the San Antonio de Padua II school in Catarroja, which has a total of 360 pupils in nursery, primary and secondary education. Its facilities have suffered significant structural damage, and the Diverxia Foundation has promoted the improvement of the nature classroom and fencing, the improvement or painting of doors, window bars, fences, benches… together with the restructuring of the dining room and part of the ground floor.

The Diverxia Foundation is also working with the Regional Ministry of Education and the Sedaví Town Council to help out at the San Clemente school in Sedaví and, in the future, it is hoped that this list will be extended to schools in Picaña, Catarroja and Benetússer.

Fundación Diverxia y Grupo Alonso trabajan en la rehabilitación de espacios educativos
Diverxia Foundation works on the rehabilitation of educational spaces
International aid: AGA-Ucraína

One of the NGOs that have been involved in helping the Ukrainian civilian population since the beginning of the conflict in February 2022 has been AGA-Ucraína. For several years, the Alonso holding company has been collaborating with this social organisation, through its U+Help programme, by financing hearing aids for civilian and military victims of the explosives of war. This initiative has significantly improved the quality of life of those affected, giving them the opportunity to fully reintegrate into their communities. Thanks to this support, many beneficiaries have been able to regain not only their hearing, but also their confidence and hope for a better future.

The Alonso Group‘s constant support to AGA-Ucraína, which provides psychological support, offers free translation services, medical accompaniment, legal assistance or sends humanitarian support to the population, makes it possible to provide solutions and offer accompaniment to those who need it most.

A set of actions linked to the Corporate Social Responsibility Plan developed by  Alonso Group throughout the year, with the aim of contributing to social, environmental, sporting and ethical causes.

Dispositivos auditivos y consultas de evaluación para personas afectadas por el conflicto en Ucrania
Hearing aids and assessment consultations for the Ukrainian civilian population