Alonso Group makes progress in the fight against climate change

Alonso Group three business areas (logistics; energy and infrastructures; leisure and services) continue to work on the fight against climate change in all the fields in which they carry out their activities.
Over the last few months, numerous companies belonging to the Alonso holding company have achieved the Calculate and Reduce Stamp – awarded by the Ministry of Ecological Transition – which recognises the actions undertaken to quantify and reduce carbon dioxide emissions. A policy in favour of sustainability and the environment that is being recognised.
In order to achieve certification, the consumption data of each company is taken into account, which defines the level of activity generating greenhouse gas emissions such as electricity or fuel consumption, as well as the number of workers or the surface area it occupies. Futhermore it is also important to detect the sources of emissions and their scope, as they can be direct (generated by the company) or indirect, as a consequence of its sales activities.
Logistics area
The constant spirit of improvement of the Alonso Group‘s logistics division, which is characterised by its environmental, social and economic efficiency, is enabling a large number of the holding’s companies to obtain or be in the process of obtaining the Calculate and Reduce Stamp. This is the example of the shipping company Nisa Marítima, Intersagunto Terminales – the multipurpose terminal located in the port of Sagunto – or companies such as Setemar, Tancomed, Transits Maritims, Tymsa, UTE Sefemed. Also Transportes Alonso, the land transport division and its main sales brands.
The main strength Alonso Group‘s logistics division is its presence in all the links that form part of the supply chain: shipping companies, port terminals, land transport, logistics operators and multimodal platforms. A complete coverage that distinguishes it in the current logistics market by allowing it to connect with all production and consumption centres anywhere on the planet, always with a vision of offering services free of polluting emissions to its customers.
Energy and infrastructure
Axial Structural Solutions, a benchmark in the design and manufacture of fixed structural systems or solar trackers for photovoltaic facilities, and Diverxia Infrastructure, dedicated to the promotion of photovoltaic infrastructure projects, have also achieved the Calculo y Reduzco Stamp.
In this way, two of the most important companies in Alonso Group energy division continue to set an example in terms of sustainability. This is a business area that has executed more than 300 projects in 28 countries and has almost 15 years experience in the photovoltaic sector. In this same division, the company PEC, dedicated to the distribution and sale of automotive fuels, has also obtained this certification.
Leisure and services area
Alonso Group‘s leisure and services division has made a significant effort in recent months to achieve the Cálculo y Reduzco Stamp. Thus Original Domino House, the holding’s hotel located in Valencia, the facilities of the Euroglobal Parking car park, Quality Dual – dedicated to the installation of integral management systems – or the Gediba bottling company already have this distinction.
The same goes for Grava Sport, the sports centre of more than 23,000 m2 with a wide range of training facilities for professional and semi-professional teams.
As for the facilities that host MEEU, Madrid Exposiciones y Eventos Urbanos in Madrid’s Chamartín station, brands such as Music LAB, Rolling, Yoofit and Zielou have also achieved the Cálculo y Reduzco Stamp.
Finally, Legendario, a benchmark brand in the spirits sector at national and international level, and Asix, experts in offering specialised IT solutions, have already been awarded the ecological distinction.
Sustainability, an important value
In a context where sustainability is increasingly demanded, both by public administrations and by consumers and investors, Alonso Group, by vocation and conviction, continues to be committed to promoting cross-cutting policies in support of the environment. This work is carried out internally, with the involvement of all the holding companies, and externally by developing more sustainable logistics and a circular economy based on alternative energies.
This policy also forms part of the holding company’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in its ongoing commitment to society, new generations and the aspiration for a sustainable future planet.