Alonso Group boosts its sustainable logistics division

Logistics is one of Alonso Group’s main economic activities. One of its great strengths is its presence in all the links that make up the global supply chain. A constant and diversified growth that, at the same time, promotes environmental projects in favour of sustainability and decarbonisation of the planet.

Container ships at Intersagunto Terminales, the Alonso Group's port terminal in Sagunto.

Morrot Multimodal Terminal (Barcelona)

Alonso Group, made up of more than a hundred companies dedicated to logistics, energy and infrastructures and leisure, positions the supply chain as one of its main economic activities. The logistics division is the seed of this international holding company, which is currently positioned as one of the main logistics groups with more than 2,483 professionals around the world and an aggregate turnover of 992 million euros in its last fiscal year.

The main strength of Alonso Group’s logistics division is its presence in all the links that make up the supply chain. It has shipping lines, port terminals, land transport, logistics operators and multimodal logistics platforms where the railway plays a leading role. A complete coverage that distinguishes it in the current global logistics panorama by allowing it to connect all the centres of production and consumption anywhere on the planet.

Sustainable logistics, a constant at Alonso Group

In parallel to the constant and diversified growth of this business area, Alonso Group has spent years developing environmental programmes throughout its logistics division in favour of sustainability and the decarbonisation of the planet. The most paradigmatic example is the creation of the holding company’s Global Logistics Plan, which is committed to intermodal transport throughout the Iberian Peninsula, with direct connections to and from Europe. The holding company’s Global Logistics Plan has been classified as “strategic” by the European Commission and has been financed through the “Connecting Europe” Mechanism.

Another example is the implementation of innovative energy efficiency systems at its maritime terminal in the port of Sagunto or the investment effort that the holding company is making to modernise its large fleet of land transport vehicles powered by less polluting fuels. A committed, real and ambitious vision in favour of new generations and in favour of the sustainability of the planet.

The Alonso Group latest initiative wanted to be part of in environmental matters is its adhesion to the H2VLC-València Valle de Hidrógeno Verde Programme which, together with the main Valencian public institutions, promotes green hydrogen in the field of the transport and logistics sector. A commitment for an international company that trusts in a new economic paradigm under the premise of a green future that is essential for social, environmental and economic development.

International weight of the brand

On an international level, Alonso Group logistics area is unified under the Alonso Forwarding brand, which is present in 187 points distributed in four of the five continents. In this way, Alonso Group’s customers and suppliers have a solid international structure. Currently, Alonso Forwarding branches stand out for their high level of innovation, competitiveness, trust and quality in accordance with current requirements, in continuous transformation.

A determination and work sustained by positive numbers. Last year, Alonso Group logistics division, which employs 1.676 professionals, achieved a turnover of 879.9 million euros. Record figures in a year marked by the effects of the pandemic and where the logistics sector experienced moments of great tension due to disruptions in global supply chains.